foo = params['foo'] # request parameter
return "<h1>FOO: </h1>"
Accessing Request, Session and ServletContext attributes
It might also be useful to access attribute values from either javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession or javax.servlet.ServletContext. This is, as you should expect, very easy to do. But Waffle automatically wraps each of these as a Ruby Hash. This provides the correct Ruby "feel" when writing your Actions. The following code snippet give an example of how you can access attribute values from each of the 3 contexts:
foo = params['foo'] # request parameter
fuu = request['fuu'] # request attribute
bar = session['bar'] # session attribute
baz = application['baz'] # servlet context attribute
return "<h1>FOO: FUU: BAR: BAZ: </h1>"
Additionally, you can also call any of the Java methods these instances provide (you are NOT limited to methods exposed by Hash).Auto-resolve values
Now those of you familiar with Waffle realize that Waffle provides a built-in means to auto-resolve a variables value. Waffle will search each of the following (in order) until the value is found, otherwise null (or in the case of JRuby nil) will be returned:- HttpServletRequest Parameter (HttpServletRequest.getParameter("foo"))
- HttpServletRequest Attribute (HttpServletRequest.getAttribute("foo"))
- HttpSession Attribute (HttpSession.getAttribute("foo"))
- ServletContext Attribute (ServletContext.getAttribute("foo"))
- return nil
So with that in mind we can simplify the previous example down to one line. Waffle will attempt to resolve the value of any unknown variable through this means. The following shows the previous method simplified because it relies on Waffle auto resolving each value:
return "<h1>FOO: FUU: BAR: BAZ: </h1>"
In my next blog post I'll begin discussing how you can integrate JSPs or even RHTML with your applications.
1 comment:
Oooooo, deep magic!
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